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De ce sa ma inscriu la "Administrarea Afacerilor in Turism" ?


Programul de studii universitare de masterat "Administrarea Afacerilor in Turism" ofera absolventilor o gama larga de competente necesare managerului din domeniul industriei turismului si al serviciilor adiacente. Perspectivele de promovare si dezvoltare a carierei intr-un astfel de domeniu, caracterizat printr-o dinamica accentuata la nivel regional si international, sunt argumente care pot reprezenta baza unei decizii privind aprofundarea studiilor universitare de licenta in cadrul Facultatii de Economia Turismului Intern si International.


Durata studiilor : 4 semestre, invatamant de zi.



Aprofundeaza-ti cunostintele despre turism!

Cum sustin concursul de admitere?


Admiterea se face prin concurs, pe baza unui eseu, cu luarea in considerare a notei acordate de comisia de evaluare (50%) si a mediei examenului de licenta (50%).

The Master Program in Business Management in Tourism and Aviation is innovative and analyses European and International trends, in order to insure trans-disciplinarily between converging fields. The program has been planned and developed based on a partnership with the business environment, with the support of the organization International Air Transport Association and the companies Regional Air Suport, Romanian Airport Services and Travel Maker.

One of the precise aspects of the partnership refers to addingin the curriculum courses which will give studentsthe possibilityto obtain national and international recognized certificates: Aviation Security Awareness, Airline Security and Travel & Tourism Consultant (issued by International Air Transport Association).


The curriculum, the content of the courses and the other didactic materials have been developed based on specific analysis and studies and in consultation with the Advisory Board. Another specificityof the program is the desideratum of each course havingeither a guest speaker from the business environment, or an international professor.

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