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Intreprindere sociala
('Social entrepreneurship - SEG')
  • Arii de cercetare:

    • Dezvoltarea capacitatii organizationale a intreprinderii sociale

    • Competente si motivarea intreprinzatorului social

    • Finantare pentru intreprinderea sociala

    • Pregatirea intreprinderii sociale pentru atragere de investitii de pe pietele de capital


Tehnologia informatiei in turism
  • Arii de cercetare:

    • Smart technologies si turismul

    • E-tourism

    • Impactul noilor tehnologii informatice in dezvoltarea industriei turismului


Turism durabil
  • Arii de cercetare:

    • Ecoturismul

    • Impactul tehnologiilor "green" asupra dezvoltarii turismului

    • Dezvoltarea durabila a comunitatilor locale prin intermediul activitatilor turistice



Proiecte de cercetare & inovare




  • 'Supporting investment readiness of social enterprises in the Danube region - SEDAN' (EU European Social Fund) (under evaluation)



  • 'Innovative structures and strategies for tourism suppliers based on digital tourists' experiences' (EU FP7 People IOF) (under evaluation)


  • 'Smart tourism? Exploring the impact of smart technologies on business models in tourism-SMARTT' (European Science Foundation) (under evaluation)


Cercetare aplicativa


La nivelul facultatii de Economia Turismului Intern si International a fost realizata in ultimii o serie de proiecte de cercetare aplicativa. Ultima dintre acestea s-a desfasurat sub forma unei cercetari de marketing, pe baza de chestionare si a fost desfasurata in cadrul Targului de Turism al Romaniei desfasurat intre 14-17 noiembrie 2013.



Publicatii ale cadrelor didactice in reviste de specialitate


1.Purcărea, Th., Ioan Franc, V., Raţiu, Monica Paula, “Achieving excellence through memorable traveler experience management and challenges, opportunities and solutions for the Romanian travel and hospitality industry”, Romanian Journal of Economics, Editor: Institute of National Economy, 2010(XX), vol.30, Issue 1(39), pp. 52-75, 26 pg., ISSN: 1582-8271, indexat în bazele de date internaţionale: RePEc (IDEAS & EconPapers),


2.Purcărea, Irina,  Raţiu Monica Paula, „Service quality management as a key to delivering the best tourist experience”, Revista „Management & Marketing” (2009) Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 71-90, 20 pg.,, ISSN: 1842-0206, indexat  în bazele de date internaţionale: RePEc (IDEAS & EconPapers), EBSCO Publishing Inc. (USA), Central and Eastern European Online Library, IndexCopernicus, evaluare CNCSIS categoria B+ cod CNCSIS 864


3.Stăncioiu Felicia, Pârgaru, I., Teodorescu, N., Vlădoi, Anca, Raţiu, Monica Paula, Moldavia and Maramureş – Micro-destinations for Relaunching the Romanian Tourism,  Theoretical and Applied Economics,  Volume XVIII (2011), No.10(563), Editura Economică, Bucureşti, 2011, pp. 45-56, ISSN 1841-8678 (print edition), ISSN 1844-0029 (online edition), revistă indexată în bazele de date internaţionale: EconLit, RePec, DOAJ, EBSCO Publishing, ICAAP, evaluare CNCSIS categoria B+,


4.Raţiu, Monica Paula, Purcărea, Irina, „Facing Knowledge Economy Challenges through Service Innovation”, Romanian Economic and Business Review, Spring 2010, volume 5, Number 1, pp. 231-237, 7 pg., ISSN 1842-2497, revistă indexată în bazele de date internaţionale: IDEAS / EconPapers, IndexCopernicus, evaluare CNCSIS categoria B+,


5.Raţiu, Monica Paula, „An innovative tool to performing management and planning of the Romanian tourism industry”, Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & Proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium, Volume 20, No. 1, pp. 1215-1217, 2 pg., ISSN 1726-9679, ISBN 978-3-901509-70-4, Editor B. Katalinic, Published by DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria, 2009, revistă indexată în bazele de date internaţionale: EBSCO Publishing Inc. (USA),  publicaţie ISI Proceedings of Web of Knowledge


6.Beatrice Sion, Cezar Mihălcescu, Alexandra Mărginean, Blogs–an instrument of the social media and its  Google indexation in view of improving the quality of Romanian tourism services,  Suppliment of “Quality - Access to Success: ”Globalization and competitiveness in the knowledge-based economy”, 3th  edition of Internationnal Conference, Bucharest- Romania, vol. 14, S2, pp. 430-437, 2013, ISSN 1582-2559, indexată SCOPUS, EBSCO, directoare CABELL’S şibaze de date PROQUEST,


7.Cezar Mihălcescu, Beatrice Sion, Alexandra Mărginean,  Decision- making factors in the process of modeling online business, The Proceedings of Journal ISOM, vol. 6, no. 2, Bucharest, pp. 291-300, december 2012, indexată BDI Index Copernicus, ISSN: 1843-4711,


8.Beatrice Sion, Alexandra Mărginean, Cezar Mihălcescu, The dynamic of European and Romanian ecotourisms- a quantitative and qualitative analysis, Romanian Economic and Business Review, Bucharest, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 33-40, summer 2012, ISSN 1842-2497, indexată BDI RePEc,


9.Beatrice Sion, Cezar Mihălcescu, Alexandra Mărginean, The Utility of Ecotourism Specialized Discussion Forums, Journal of Information Systems & Operations Management, vol. 5.2.1-special issue, no. 2, pp. 449-456, december 2011,  ISSN 1843-4711, indexată BDI RePEc


10.Cezar Mihălcescu, Beatrice Sion, Alexandra Mărginean,  Online promotion of tourism in Prague, Romanian Economic and Business Review, Editura Pro Universitaria Bucharest, volume 6, issue 4, pp. 7-17, winter 2011, ISSN 1842-2497, indexată BDI RePEc


11.Cezar Mihălcescu, Beatrice Sion, Identity Management in an online world, Metalurgia International vol. XV, special issue no. 1, pp. 114-116, 2010, ISSN 1582-2214, revista ISI cu factor de impact 0.084, indexată în Scopus, Thomson Scientific Master Journal List şi Elsevier Bibliographic Databases – Amsterdam (Netherlands)


12.Sion Beatrice, Firoiu Danielea, Titrade Cristina Maria, Cezar Mihălcescu, Internet and eBusiness, Proceedings of 8th WSEAS Internaional Conference on Applied Computer and Applied Computational Science, Hangzhou, China, pp. 537-540, may 2009, ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 978-960-474-075-8


13.CezarMihălcescu, Daniela Firoiu, Beatrice Sion, Cristina Maniu, Ecotourism Business Models, Latest Trends on Computers, volum II, 14th WSEAS International Conference on Computers (Part of the 14th WSEAS CSCC Multiconference), Corfu Island, Greece,  pp. 669-673, july 2010,  ISSN: 1792-4251, ISSN: 1792-4251, ISBN : 978-960-474-213-4


14.Dridea Catrinel, The Perspectives of Leisure Tourism in Romania Based on Mountain Tourism Infrastructure and Service, Ovidius University Annals,Economic SciencesSeries Issue I, volum XIII, pp. 308-313, ISSN 1582-9383, 2013, indexată RePec, DOAJ, EBSCO, CNCSIS B+;


15.Dridea Catrinel, Perspective for the Development of Romanian Cultural Events,  Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series Volum XI, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 671-674, ISSN 1582-9383, indexată RePec, DOAJ, EBSCO,CNCSIS B+;


16.Sztruten (Lefter) G.G., Dridea (Stanescu) C. R., Stan R.E., The Integration Of Eco-management in hotel management policies, Annals of DAAAM for 2010&Proceedings of the 21th International DAAAM Symposium, 2010, pp.1171-1172, ISBN- 978-3-901509-73-5,   ISSN1726-9679, ISI Proceedings;


17.Camelia Monica Gheorghe, The Role of Smart Technologies in Increasing the Bucharest Visibility as a Cultural Destination, Recent Researches in Applied Economics and Management Economic Aspects of Environment, Development, Tourism and Cultural Heritage – Volume 2, pp. 173 – 179, ISBN: 978-960-474-324-7,;


18.Camelia Monica Gheorghe, MihaiSebea, Stela Georgiana Ciuchete, CatrinelRalucaDridea, Risks and Opportunities on the Air Transport Market in Romania, Annals of DAAAM for 2010&Proceedings of the 21st International DAAAM Symposium, Vienna 2010, ISBN 978-3-901509-73-5, p. 0519-0521;


19.Gina Gilet Sztruten, Alina Elena Oprescu, Camelia Monica Gheorghe, MihaiSebea, Regional Cooperation and its Role in Declining the Impact of World Crisis over Tourism Activity in Romania, Annals of DAAAM for 2009 &Proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium, Vienna 2009, ISBN 978-3-901509-70-4, p. 1499-1501;


20.Nicoleta Rădneanţu, Elena Roxana STAN, Emilia Gabroveanu, Behind the human capital assessment enigma - case study: knowledge based organization vs. Top 100 organizations listed by market capitalization in the last three months at the BSE, Business Management Dynamics, Vol. 3, No. 4, Oct. 2013, pp.07-12, ISSN 2047-7031, disponibil pe


21.Rodica Pamfilie, Elena Roxana STAN, Managing quality costs – a must for growing organizational performance (a case study on romanian business hotels), VIII National Scientific Conference and I International Scientific Conference, Quality Management vs Management's Quality, The Department Of Quality Management Of Cracow Univeristy Of Economics with EOQ, Krakow - Niepolomice, June 20-22, 2012, Poland;


22.Rodica Pamfilie, Elena Roxana STAN, Smaranda Vișan, The Importance of Food Safety Management System Accreditation and Certification, Forum Ware International Special ISSUE - Excelence in Business, Commodity Science and Tourism, 2011, pp. 160-166, ISSN 1810-7028;


23.Elena Roxana STAN, Emilia Gabroveanu, Nicoleta Rădneanțu, Ruxandra Andrei, The influence of main quality factors on the evolution of tourists number – a study in a romanian bussiness hotel, Annals of DAAAM for 2010 and Proceedings of 21st International DAAAM Symposium, October 2010, Croatia, pp. 817-818, ISSN 1726-9679;


24.Emilia Gabroveanu, Nicoleta Rădneanțu, Elena Roxana STAN, Efficient actions for cutting down the costs in tourism industry companies in a crisis period, Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series, Volume X, Issue 1, mai 2010, pp. 50-54, revistă cotată CNCSIS în categoria B+, ISSN 1582-9383, articol inclus în baze de date internaţionale RePEc (IDEAS și EconPapers), SCIRUS, SOCIONET,


25.Maniu Laura Cristina, Marin-Pantelescu Andreea,Managing The Hotels Service Products And E-Services. Case Study: Researching Tourists’ Satisfaction Regarding The Hotels Services In Romania, Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology, Volumul II, nr.1, Februarie 2012, Editura Scienttific Papers, ISSN 2247-7756, pg. 234, revista indexata in BDI,


26.Maniu Laura Cristina, Marin Pantelescu Andreea, Romanian’s services in the actual context of the economic crisis, Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy series, Issue 1/2013, p.245-254, cotare CNCSIS B+, cod 652, ISSN 1844 – 7007, indexata in baze de date internationale:  REPEC , IDEAS, ECONPAPERS , GENAMICS, EBSCO, CABELL'S, SCIPIO, INDEX COPERNICUS, DOAJ, ECONBIZ, ULRICH'S  and in international catalogs: New Jour ,,%20Marin%20Pantelescu.pdf


27.Marin-Pantelescu Andreea, Maniu Laura Cristina, Corporate social responsibility:  the case of Romanian travel agencies, Studia Negotia, Issue no.2/ 2013, pp. 55-67, ISSN 1224-8738,


28.Sztruten (Lefter) Gina Gilet., Forecasts and Guidelines in Hospitality Business, Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series, 2011, vol. XI, Issue 2, pp. 1216-1219, ISSN 1582-9383, CNCSIS B+


29.Sztruten (Lefter) G.G., Implementation of Best Sustainable Practices in the Hospitality Industry, Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series, 2010, vol. X, issue 1, pp. 830-833, ISSN 1582-9383, indexată RePec (Research Papers in Economics), CNCSIS B+,


29.Sztruten (Lefter) G.G., Sustainability in the Hotel Industry, Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series, 2010, vol. X, issue 1, pp. 183-186, indexată RePec (Research Papers in Economics), ISSN 1582-9383, CNCSIS B+;


30.Sztruten (Lefter) G.G., Dridea (Stanescu) C. R., Murgoci C.Ş., Impact of the economic crisis over the Romanian hotel industry, Annals of DAAAM for 2011&Proceedings of the 22nd International DAAAM Symposium, 2011, Volume 22, No.1, pp.1171-1172, ISBN-978-3-901509-83-4,   ISSN1726-9679, Vienna, Austria, EU,2011, ISI Proceedings


31.Murgoci Cristiana Ștefania; Firoiu, D.  Ionescu, Ș.A. Ionescu, E. The financial crisis and its impact on the Travel and Tourism sector, Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & Proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium, ISI Proceedings, ISSN 1726-9679 ,2009, Viena (ISI Proceedings)


32.Patrichi Ioana Cristiana - Green hotels - a concept that sustains a durable development for tourism, AnaleleUniversitatiiConstantin Brancusi din Tg. Jiu, SeriaEconomie, nr.1/2013, Tg.Jiu, 2013,


33.Patrichi Ioana Cristiana, Firoiu Daniela, Dodu Silvia Patricia - Romanian health tourism – Where to?, REBE, vol. 8, issue 3, Univ. Romano-Americana, pages 53-60, 2013.


34.Patrichi Ioana, Sustianable development-a priority for the Romanian tourism strategy,  Review of Applied Economic Research, Nr.1, Vol. 1, ASE, ISSN 2247-6172, p. 81-87, Bucuresti, B+, 2011. Link


35.Firoiu Daniela, Dodu Patricia, Patrichi Ioana, „Meetings, Incentives, Conventions And Exhibitions (Mice) Industry in the global context”, Analele Universitatii Ovidius, Seria: Stiinte economice, Vol. XI, nr. 2/2011, p. 437-443, Oradea, B+. Link


36.Andrei Ruxandra Daniela, Gogonea Manuela Rodica, Sandu Mariana, ChiriţescuVergina, Pop OanaIoana”  (Development of sustainable Romanian eco-tourism and agro-tourism - concepts and features),  , „Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj - Napoca”, Vol. 69 (2) / 2012 - Agriculture, ISSN 1843 - 5246, revistăcotată CNCSIS B + şiindexatăîn 6 baze de date internaţionale - BDI (CAB Abstracts, Thomson Reuters Master Journal List, VINITI, ASCI, Index Copernicus şi EBSCO), pag. 21 - 28;


36.Daniela Ruxandra Andrei, VerginaChiriţescu, MihaelaKruzslicika, Manuela RodicaGogonea, Mariana Sandu, “Development of tourism and agro-tourism infrastructure in Romanian rural areas during 2000 - 2012” “LucrăriŞtiinţifice Management Agricol“, Seria I, vol. XV / 2013 - ISSN:1453-1410, Scientific Papers: Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2013, ISSN 2066-1843,  CNCSIS B + şiindexat BDI (CABI, ULRICH'S PERIODICALS DIRECTORY, Index Copernicus International, I.C. Journals Master List - IC= 3.93)


37.Daniela RuxandraAndrei, Mariana SANDU,  Rodica - Manuela GOGONEA, Vergina CHIRIŢESCU, Mihaela KRUSZLICIKA, “Modeling of rural tourism towards sustainable development from the perspective of specifically organic food”, Scientific Paper Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, Vol. 12 / 2012 – Simpozionulinternaţional “Perspective ale agriculturiişizonelorruraleîn contextual dezvoltăriidurabile”, 17 - 18. mai. 2012, USAMV Bucureşti, România, ISSN 1844 - 5640, B +;


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